Tuesday, June 05, 2007

sunday funnies

Once again I get the feeling that seven of the eight panels of this Sunday's Dilbert were completely unnecessary. And once again the funniest line isn't at the end of the strip. I just don't get that.

1 comment:

  1. When I first read that, for some reason I read it as "with beer in their underpants." Which is still funny.

    You're right about the problems with drawn-out strips. I imagine a factor of the problem is that the syndicates really make them conform to a very specific amount of space and format; at least, that was the case back when Bill Watterson was doing "Calvin and Hobbes" (and a convention he fought against).

    In any case, I don't envy strip cartoonists. I certainly don't think I could be funny more than once a week at best. And even that's pushing it.
